Confinement Update

It's been 9 days since I started my confinement. The 1st week was really a challenge to me. I had fever and was unable to eat. I couldn't sit properly and couldn't stand. I was bedridden most of the time and it was a torture.

My parents and parent-in-laws were really worried about me. I knew I needed to recover ASAP as I looked pretty sick. I didn't even dare look at myself in the mirror because everyone said I looked bloodless.

I was really scared that I was gonna lose control over my body. For a few seconds, I was gonna give up. But fortunately, this week, I have gotten better. I could finally eat. Thank God!

I hope to get back in touch with you guys soon after I am back to normal. And I hope that will be sooner rather than later. Will keep you all posted. Adios!

PS: Our website is currently down due to a hosting migration technical problem. Hope to get it back online again soon.