New Confinement Update

2 weeks have passed since I started my confinement and I am also feeling a lot better. During this time, I have lost weight despite eating 5 to 6 meals a day now.

Since the weekend, Malay traditional massage is also helping me to recover. Kak Rubee is an experienced massage lady who has been doing this for more than 10 years now. I have had 4 massage sessions with her so far and even Mom had her first session yesterday.

Kak Rubee also helped me tie the binder that I bought from Amway. This Tropical Herbs binder is supposed to help women get back to shape after delivery.

Meanwhile, Sze’s brother, Peter, was also back from Canada for an IEEE (engineering) conference. I met him for the first time before my confinement but had to leave most of the hospitality to Sze and his parents soon after, despite having made some plans for Peter’s visit.

From left: Peter, Dad, Mom and Sze

Peter (left) and Sze

PS: Our website is back online again. However, the Contact Us page (and some other pages) are still not fully functional due to unresolved technical problems with the new web hosting company.


Dreamer said...

hey eunice, glad to hear to that you're feeling better, eat more more and more....and post your pictures whenever you are "blood-visible" :-)

i know that the site was down after a few failed attempts...glad that it's finally up!! phew~

and mr sze, your whole family is the thinnest family that i ever see........

take care

zenetlife said...

I'm working very hard... err, actually resting very hard and eating frequently too to try and regain my health as soon as possible. The pictures will come when I'm a little more "photo-friendly".

Yes, but even when our website was down, our blog was still online cos it's on blogspot, plus our zenetlife email acct was also fully functional.

And if Sze's family is the thinnest, this would mean that you are just... thin only? Hmm... that's not a bad thing for you... :P